open source project
demining and eod robotics
We allocated part of the resource to a Open source project. Botshare will continue to provide new software, electronics and design models through the Github portal. We will also work to establish processes, policies and corporate culture that promote the development of open source. The enthusiasm of our staff contributes to the success of Botshare - sharing robotics, which in turn helps all community members achieve their goals.
Open project of autonomous Demine AMR with ground penetration radar (GPR) based on phased array antenna (PAA) and CNN or remote-controlled explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) robot is designed to provide enhanced bomb disposal capabilities and autonomous humanitarian demining. It can be used to identify and disarm explosive devices and other dangerous objects in closed areas and outdoor.
Our goal is to create a fully automated platform for autonomous mine clearance on the East of Ukraine and elsewhere in the World. This robot will pass certification tests and verification of compliance with safety standards of Ukraine and will always be available in an open project.
To accelerate the development of Demine H (humanitarian), the Botshare Team opens and maintains open source licenses for all of the software, hardware and designs. Our partner companies and freelancers who support the open source philosophy contribute to the community by volunteering and sharing SW, HW, chassis upgrades. These upgrades are returned to developers with interest within the community of people working with this open source project.
These goals foster the creation of high-quality software, as well as collaborate with other like-minded people to improve The Project. Enthusiastic contributors creating robotics that save or improve human lives can bring numerous benefits to both software and electronics, and even to the chassis design of a Botshare project, including improved quality, lower development costs, faster development cycles, and reduced barriers to collaboration between government and private sectors through new opportunities to jointly commercialize our technologies.

EOD Solutions
Botshare manufactures innovative and cost-effective EOD robots which allow operators to disarm explosives without risking their lives.
The remote-controlled explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) robot is designed to provide enhanced bomb disposal capabilities to EOD teams.
The robot offers high reliability and excellent maneuverability. It can be used to identify and disarm booby traps, fireworks, improvised, explosive devices and other dangerous objects in closed areas, buildings and vehicles. It also performs reconnaissance, monitoring and investigation of objects in exceptionally dangerous conditions.
The EOD robot system is in service with military and law enforcement units of more than 41 countries worldwide.
The Botshare team is based on the experience and professionalism of the deminers, each of whom has experience in mine clearance both in state bodies of Ukraine and in international organizations (The Halo Trust, Danish Demining Group, Swiss Foundation for Mine Action). We work plenty with specialists of Ukroboronservice. In order to safe lives and effectively solve humanitarian mine clearance, we develop Demine Robot H.
Autonomous Demine H AMR with Ground penetration Radar and CNN is designed to provide enhanced bomb disposal capabilities and autonomous humanitarian demining. It can be used to detect, recognize, identify (by CNN) mines that are hidden under ground.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a non-invasive, sub-surface imaging technique that has been successfully used in a wide range of geological environmental and archaeological applications. The GPR technique uses an antenna pair to send short pulses of electromagnetic energy into the subsurface and then record the returning signals. We are glad to announce that we started Open project for Humanitarian demining.
Mine and UXO contamination affects the lives of almost 5 millions people in Ukraine, putting vital civilian infrastructure facilities at risk, inhibiting freedom of movement, access to livelihoods and limiting recreational activities for children. Ukraine ranks amongst the most severely affected places in the world for casualties as a result of landmines and other explosive remnants of war (ERW). Demine Robot H is developed to demine those territories.
Contact us
We are happy to discuss cooperation and answer your questions.