Sustainable development
In order to be as efficient as possible, we systematically apply Lean manufacturing and Lean energy efforts, we invest the principles of lean manufacturing into Botshare's sustainable development strategy and systematically improve them, which will allow our enterprise to achieve the greatest improvement in operational, energy and environmental performance.
By implementing our Lean, Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management, we systematically monitor manufacturing processes to detect signs of energy waste and greenhouse gas emissions, measure actual energy consumption and costs over time, and realize energy savings opportunities through brief targeted interventions.
We do value and energy stream mapping to identify improvement opportunities in the context of the entire “value stream” of a product or service.
Botshare welcomes the involvement of our employees and often organises Energy Kaizen events, where together we identify and implement employee ideas for energy saving and waste reduction through rapid process improvement events.
Our managers are constantly reviewing our production facilities for capacity redundancy or process outsourcing to minimize machine park and maximize partner utilization, we believe in technology and resource sharing.
All our work from setting a task, discussing, starting design work, selecting materials and technologies, testing the MVP, describing production processes, manufacturing products, creating rules for its operation and disposal - all this is described in the company's standards. Our activities are digitized and standardized as much as possible to achieve high efficiency in process analysis, technology transfer, maximum manufacturability and production efficiency.
We systematically monitor the logistics of parts from our partners, logistics within production and delivery of finished products to see if there are opportunities to improve routes, reduce downtime, minimize travel and increase overall efficiency.
For our partners, we offer a fully described plant layout, equipment placement and process sequence to improve product flow and reduce energy consumption and associated impacts.
UN Sustainable development Goals
Botshare covers 6 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Following these 6 principles is the foundation of Botshare's mission and sustainability strategy. These Goals were identified as the most relevant to the company and to which Botshare can make the most meaningful global contribution.
With our extensive experience in projects, we offer environmentally friendly solutions through efficient autonomous robotic systems - from analysis, design and engineering to installation, staff training and deployment.
Lean means systematic efficiency and order down to the smallest detail. Performing daily tasks, we are studying the raw materials to further reduce our energy needs, we invest in quality machine parts, utilise production space, consider the energy needs of the equipment and use multitasking hardware.
We enjoy working in a clean, healthy, quiet, dust and chemical free environment - this is our choice and we extend it to everything we do.

Our Team systematically makes every effort to describe and digitalise absolutely all processes within our Company. Each direction of the company has a strategic plan that coincides with our Vision, Mission and does not contradict the Values.
For such areas as software development, electronics and design - methodology, standards and development policies are mandatory.
Working with our partners we pay maximum attention to analyse, optimise, standardise and digitise the processes of production, procurement, quality assurance and management.
For quick adaptation of personnel both within our company and for partners, we systematically develop the Knowledge Base and the training courses in LMS.
Each of our clients is offered a common partner base of suppliers and contractors to optimise delivery and production processes.
Sustainable decentralised business model
Botshare sustainable development Strategy is fully reflected in our business model - we share technologies and resources, we carry out technology transfer to accelerate Global progress, we spread our ideology of sharing for sustainable and mutually beneficial cooperation.
Our beneficial principle is decentralised expertise acquisition, centralised investment in R&D, gives us the opportunity to quickly increase the competitive advantage and technical superiority over companies with classical or traditional business models.
Partnership with Botshare is always Win-Win.
Contact us
We are happy to discuss cooperation and answer your questions.