retail fulfillment amr
Technology transfer expands the capabilities and product range of the manufacturing SME, increases competitiveness and added value, while the risks remain minimal.
Ready-to-licensure, full-fledged AMR production technology from the Botshare covers all stages of the robotics manufacturer's journey, from planning, procurement and development to sales and implementation of robotic systems and automation technologies.
We are your reliable partner in R&D and sustainable development. Collaboration is based on monthly on-demand payment.
ELIMINATES WASTED WALKING TIME. Higher productivity, less aisle traffic
Robot-centric environments low human interaction
easily reconfigurable
Botshare Team provide you with everything you need to produce and sell robotics.
Empowering your Team to produce and deploy AMR faster and efficiently - we are not about selling a specific robot to an end customer, but rather about transfer the best technology to SMEs that work for their end customers in the logistics industry.
Mechanics, electronics, firmware, SW and product development are our tasks.Botshare licenses this cutting-edge technology to businesses.
Never before has the cost of buying technology been equal to the cost of buying a robot! *
* - limited offer till the November 30 or first 5 clients!
AGV and AMR Market is expected to reach more than $18B by 2027 with a growth rate of around 24% and 43% for AGV and AMR respectively.
We offer the mutual profitable and effective cooperation Win-Win:
• we take on the main risks of investing money and time in R&D;
• you use the resources you have - the customer base, production capacity, sales and production experience.
Years of experience and market presence give us complete confidence that our investment will pay off many times over. Most market forecasts for the next 10 years promise incredible growth.
We are at the very beginning (2022) - now is the best time to start!
Following the 6 principles we cover is the foundation of Botshare's Mission and sustainability strategy.
We cooperate with leading enterprises in our country and Globally on Win-Win based model. Our partners are Manufacturers, R&D institutions, leading robotics developers, governmental institutions - we learn from each other and growth together.
Contact us
We are happy to discuss cooperation and answer your questions.